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The legacy site to keep the memory of ntalk.org alive

Links will be updated when changed or removed when gone, as I notice or get told.

This site is currently being built so many gallery links need to be updated.

Aside from removal of dead links, it's unlikely this site will be updated again. Hosted here for preservation. If somebody needs the site updating, contact Hyphen!

R.I.P. Lethe - 20th December 2007

Lethe, a comfort to many of us, sadly now gone down the river.

Lethe descended from Mount Olympus to spend her time in TalkTown, where she amused us, educated us, argued with us, and above all, was one of us. Sadly, like us, she was mortal. Her waters of forgetfulness will not affect us - Lethe will be remembered for her part in the fun we had on ntl.talk.

Random Talktown Links

The end of ntl.talk - Your final Thoughts

A map of Talktown

Photos taken at Coats' and Ats' wedding

Lego charicatures of Talktown regulars

Christmassy caricatures

The Talktown Whirlwind Cup 2002

The Talktown Yuro Cup 2004

Talktown F1 Fanasee League

Have YOU seen Ponder?

The meaning of JBEX

BBQ / Party Photos

Cathy and Carla's Birthday (Ponder's perspective)
Ponder at the Summer '06 BBQ
Ponder's pics from his Xmas bash
Ponder's pics of the Summer '05 BBQ
Ponder's photos from the Spring '05 get-together
Ponder's photos from the Xmas 2004 gathering
Ponder's pics of the Summer 2004 BBQ
Rix's pics of the Summer 2004 BBQ
Ponder's pics of the Summer 2003 BBQ
Photos taken at the Talktown party 2002

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Authored by Ponder, Rix and Hyphen
Copyright © ntalk.org 2005-2021